Account Based Marketing (ABM): a marketing strategy to conquer high-value accounts - Part II

Account based marketing ABM

Let’s get on with it!

Now that we have a wider picture about what account-based marketing (ABM) is, how it focuses on helping companies increase their ROI, generate more qualified leads, accelerate the sales cycle, improve customer satisfaction, and some benefits in our digital strategy (see Part I).

It’s time to take action!

Steps to successfully implement an ABM strategy:

1. Setting objectives: The first step is setting clear and specific goals for your ABM strategy. Do you want to increase sales by a certain percentage? Do you want to position your services in new markets? Defining measurable goals will allow you to assess the success of your strategy over time.

2. Identifying target accounts: Not all accounts are alike. It’s essential to identify the accounts with greatest potential for your business, taking into account their size, industry, needs and behavior. Thoroughly research your ideal customers and create detailed profiles to understand their challenges and motivations.

3. Creating a personalized marketing plan: Devising a marketing plan for the specific accounts in your ABM strategy will allow you to reach your target prospects in a personalized way. You can implement forms through personalized landing pages, nurturing lines and other materials that provide useful information and solutions to your potential customers’ problems.

4. Executing your strategy: At this stage, planned actions are implemented to reach target accounts in order to build solid and trusted relationships over time. This includes creating email marketing campaigns, segmented advertising, social selling and any marketing automation strategy for task optimization.

5. Measuring and analyzing results: Monitor relevant KPIs such as ROI, number of generated leads, conversion rate, scheduled meetings, attendees to scheduled events, etc. This information will allow you to make adjustments and optimize your strategy for better results.

What success stories exist in the market regarding ABM implementation?


ABM has proven to be a powerful strategy for companies looking to increase sales and provide a solid experience to their B2B customers, which is why several companies have successfully implemented it, achieving remarkable results.

In fact, some companies, such as Adobe, Dell or Docuslgn adopt this strategy in order to:

  1. Identify specific accounts on which they focus their efforts with the purpose of expanding their customers and maintain their current customers.
  2. Maintain existing customers by providing tailor-made solutions that meet each customer’s individual needs.
  3. Ensure these campaigns are successful. To do this, those companies are focused on identifying the decision-making group within organizations, known as the “champion” and the “budget holder”. This involves targeting those individuals in high-level positions who have the authority to determine where to allocate financial resources.

How can MTI Selling help you with your ABM strategy?

At MTI Selling we have designed an ABM strategy that forms a structured synergy in order to implement successful tactics based on previous intelligence and strategic research.

This strategy consists, first of all, in developing a relationship map where the existing influence among decision makers is established, in order to exhaustively know the buying journey, and then move to action by reaching each party involved in an appropriate manner.

Relationship map: ABM Strategy

The implementation of our ABM strategy also comprises 7 dimensions:

  1. Strategic and sales alignment between MTI Selling and the customer.
  2. Objective landing with the SMART methodology.
  3. Account selection and segmentation between MTI Selling and the customer.
  4. Program operations and resources that are available for use.
  5. Content and campaigns, inputs, communication tone, formats, channels.
  6. Data, analytics and insights that will set the tone for the ABM program.
  7. Technology infrastructure to be used.


This is how we help you grow more and better!

If you want to start your ABM strategy to reach specific and high-value accounts with our team, contact us and we will come along with you in the process.

Let’s talk